Mia Cucina da Texas

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Sorry, illness again has derailed my attention to this blog. I've eaten popcorn and yogurt frequently - don't question it! When I was getting over being queasy I could get those down.

I also made Eating Well's Crispy Tacos, and we loved them. Basically, wrap your corn tortillas in a damp cloth and heat in the microwave, then spray with cooking spray and drape over the oven rack (in a taco-ish shape). Bake at 375 for 7-9 minutes. Then stuff with Morningstar Farms burger crumbles, cheddar, shredded homegrown lettuce, and guacamole. They taste like home fried tacos. We ate them so fast we didn't even remember to get out the salsa.

Have you guys seen any of the previews for Ratatouille? It's the new Pixar movie coming out this summer. Colin discovered their promo site this weekend, and we've been mesmorized. It's about a rat with gourmand tastes who lives in Paris, France, and aspires to be a chef. The kitchen sequences are exquisitely rendered. We are big Pixar fans at my house, and Foodies, too - we can't wait for this movie to come out. Anyone know how to make a rat costume for Halloween?


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