Mia Cucina da Texas

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

In the beginning of our marriage, for Valentine's Day Anth and I made the rounds at several high end restaurants. This was always a disappointment. IF we were able to get reservations, we always paid way too much for a mediocre meal. Instead, I tried cooking at home, but that was no fun - I put way too much pressure on myself to make a fabulous meal, and then there was always the clean-up.

The year I was pregnant with Anna I got the idea to go out to eat Thai food. These restaurants are always a little more casual, and would not be so crowded on the big night. Plus, spicy food always seemed passionate to me. So now that is our V-day tradition.

Tonight we went to a Thai restauarant near us that is a little bit fancy. We went early, with the kids (so they could get in bed at a reasonable time on a school night and so that we wouldn't disturb too many people). They also serve sushi so we had that for an appetizer - the kids even enjoyed the plain tuna roll. We ordered the kids noodles, and after every order Colin asked us to make sure it wasn't spicy (he is still on that blasted "no spice" kick). He protested when he saw his beautiful noodle dish - it looked spicy to him - but at least we were able to get him to try it, so he could see that it was tasty but mild. He did eat a ton of plain brown rice, too. Anna sweetly offered him a carrot, which he usually loves, but he protested, "It's got stuff all over it!" Overall, the meal was a success, and Anth and I left with tingling tongues.

At home, we had dessert - Chocolate Lava Cakes. Anna and I made the batter earlier in the afternoon (since it has to chill), and then I baked them while the kids bathed. If you make them yourself, DO NOT BAKE any longer than 10 minutes. They will look underdone when they come out of the oven, but that is the idea, so that they are still MOLTEN inside.


Blogger Unknown said...

Well, sounds good to me. We go eat Thai when Daddy works late. I always think of you because we ate Thai together so happily when pregnant. Yummy flavors. P&G eat a spicy soup called Tom Yum. It's broth-based with shrimp, cilantro and a LOT of kick. I like the green curry dishes and my all-time favorite are the lemongrass tofu spring rolls (the white rice paper kind, not fried) with spicy peanut sauce. Man, even though I just ate a 4 course fancy pants meal (it began three hours ago) just typing all that makes my mouth water!

February 14, 2007 at 7:09:00 PM PST  
Blogger Sinda said...

I was remembering running into you guys at Madam Mam's that year on Valentine's day, all of us with our kids.

I'm sure the spice thing will go away - sounds like you're approaching it in a very consistent manner. :) But it IS frustrating!!

Fun new blog - Sinda

ps - the engagement story is not as exciting as all that. In fact, I related it to Hazel last night, who YELLED at me at the end because it was too short. But I'll post it sometime soon.

February 15, 2007 at 5:25:00 AM PST  

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